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No he sabut desxifrar si el llibre és una broma (pel títol i el preu es podria dir que sí, però ves a saber). El que val més la pena és llegir els comentaris, que sí que són jocosos.
1 comentari:
Mmmmm... ha de ser una broma, oi? Sí, segur que sí. I els comentaris també ho són, en certa manera. Aquest m'ha arribat al cor:
This book is, indeed, quite good at describing the outlook for public building stacking chairs excluding bar, bowling center, library, restaurant, and school stacking chairs in India. However, I am a bit offended that the information for the Kashmir region (which is claimed by both India and Pakistan) seems incomplete. Such scholarship is inexcusable. I will be going elsewhere in the future for information about the outlook for public building stacking chairs excluding bar, bowling center, library, restaurant, and school stacking chairs in India.
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